Pitless Unit

Do you offer heavy duty reducer couplings to reduce or increase the industrial spool pitless unit drop pipe or discharge connections?

Yes, we have the IPSSH304RC series coupling which has been developed specifically for this purpose. There are 6 sizes currently available.

PRODUCT #                       DESCRIPTION

IPSSH304RC-4030             4" x 3" 304 S.S. RED. CPLG

IPSSH304RC-5040             5" x 4" 304 S.S. RED. CPLG

IPSSH304RC-6030             6" x 3" 304 S.S. RED. CPLG

IPSSH304RC-6040             6" x 4" 304 S.S. RED. CPLG

IPSSH304RC-6050             6" x 5" 304 S.S. RED. CPLG

IPSSH304RC-8060             8" x 6" 304 S.S. RED. CPLG

The submittals are copied below for the dimensional information.

Additional Resources:


The information on the pitless units check out the "Municipal and Industrial Pitless Well Systems" booklet.
