Cleaning Products

Will Iron Out® remove manganese stains from my brick?

Will Iron Out® remove manganese stains from my brick?

Iron Out® may remove manganese stains if used in a higher concentration. Make a paste, apply for 10 minutes, and rinse. It may be reapplied if necessary.


Manganese and vanadium may require specialized masonry cleaner.

Manganese generally appears as a brownish stain on the surface. Vanadium generally appears as a greenish stain on the surface (as seen in the examples above). Both stains are easily removed with OneRestore®.

Manganese and vanadium are naturally occurring minerals in certain seams of clay. Like soluble salts, they are released when an abundance of water migrates through a masonry structure. In some instances, they are also added as an additional colorant, especially in lighter colored brick.

The most effective way to prevent manganese or vanadium stains from forming is to keep the brick covered before installation. Do not allow rain to enter the wall during construction. If these steps are not possible, the next thing to do is allow the wall to dry completely prior to post construction cleaning. This allows any staining to migrate to the surface for removal (along with smears) using NMD 80 (4:1).