American Iron and Steel
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Does this product meet AIS (American Iron and Steel) requirements?

Does this product meet AIS (American Iron and Steel) requirements?

Generally speaking, any product with a Country of Origin (COO) other than USA will not meet the AIS requirement! Basically, if the product is not produced in USA using raw materials from the USA, a product will not qualify.

Let’s use the 17FVSS-400 4" 304 S.S. foot valve as an example. It would have to be cast and machined in the USA to qualify. But since this valve is made in Taiwan, it will not!

However, this may not rule out the use of this imported product. There are a few waivers that may apply to the project or item which may allow the use of a non-AIS product (a product with a Country of Origin other than USA) to be used.

It may be worth looking into these waivers in case it would be helpful to your project. While we cannot say whether or not one of the exemptions will be accepted by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), we would not be doing you justice to provide a simple NO answer. This would result in you losing the business to another company who is using an imported product that they had qualified under one of the following exemptions.  


The AIS statute language permits the EPA to issue waivers for a case or category of cases where the EPA finds:

  1. Applying this AIS requirement would be inconsistent with the public interest.
  2. Iron and steel products are not produced in the U.S. in sufficient and reasonably available quantities as well as of a satisfactory quality; or
  3. Inclusion of iron and steel products produced in the U.S. will increase the cost of the overall project by more than 25 percent.

Project-Specific Waivers

Waiver requests should be submitted via State.

SRF programs. States should then submit waiver requests to EPA at or

National De Minimis Waiver

  • Allows an SRF project to use a small percentage of incidental products of unknown or non-domestic origin
  • Up to 5% of total project material cost
  • Up to 1% of total project material cost for any single item

Below is copy of a document “What You Need To Know For State Revolving Fund (SRF) Projects.