Safety Valves

Are relief valves suitable for hot water applications?

Are relief valves suitable for hot water applications?

No! Our RVNB, SSRVN, and heavy duty RVHD series pressure relief valves are for cold water service only!

They are not certified to ANSI Z21.22-2015/CSA 4.4-2015 and they are not for suitable for hot water systems.

The above valves are not T & P (Temperature and Pressure) relief valves which are required for hot water heaters.

T & P Valves for Hot Water Systems

Relief valves for hot water systems must have ANSI Z21.22-2015/CSA 4.4-2015 certification which is for “Relief Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems”.

For projects requiring the ANSI Z21.22-2015/CSA 4.4-2015 certification a “Temperature & Pressure and Pressure Relief Valve” must be installed, for example you would use a product such as:

ZURN Model P1000AXL, TP1100A, TP220, TP3000 Temperature & Pressure and Pressure Relief Valves

WATTS Series 1L, 1XL, 10L and 100XL Temperature and Pressure Relief Valves

IMPORTANT: Always refer to and install all relief valves and temperature & pressure valves in accordance with all the applicable National and Local Plumbing, Building, and Well construction codes in your area, and always make sure you are referencing the latest version of the code publications.